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After The Rupture, the world went silent for hundreds of years. The magnificent structures our ancestors built were taken over by nature.
At one point long after that, our great grandparents woke up from their slumber. As they raised once again to the surface, they slowly but steadily uncovered towering overgrown ruins among inconceivable creatures and plants.
With no recollection of what happened before their time, they started a new world. A place of hope, peace, synergy and beauty.
Welcome to Ayera.

Scraps is a feel-good, non-violent crafting game about sharing, about harmony with nature, about bewilderment and curiosity.
Ayera is a hopeful world built among the ruins of a long lost ancient civilization. It is a place of harmony and symbiosis, in which unimaginable flora and fauna is to be found by anyone who leaves their settlements and travels unexplored paths.
I am a Scrapper, an adventurer who devotes my life to exploring the land, finding special ingredients, bringing them back to my workshop, and crafting wondrous personal and community projects.
Character Creation
I envision my character as someone who is better working with their hands and not so much exploring the wilderness. I think they are a seasoned adventurer, but someone that always finds more pleasure inside their workshop.
Informed by this decision, I assign my Action scores as follows:

Crafting field
I decide to roll for my preferred Crafting Field and I get Trinkets. So my character likes to create gadgets and tools. Cool!
Personal Project
For my first personal project, I decide to work on a pair of mineral locator goggles, that might help me find buried gemstones and stuff. I sketch it on the grid with 21 squares, close enough to the 20-square suggestion for a first project.

Now I roll to find out the size and shape of my starting Basic Materials. I have 4 scraps of wood and 4 scraps of rock to place in my workshop. After some rolls, here is how it looks:

I place my 4 initial provisions in a corner and choose a yellow shade to represent them.

Both my Opportunity and Decay tracks start empty.

Finishing touches
I give my character a name (Tulalo), pronouns (he/him) and a description (an image I made in Artbreeder)

Let's start by positioning my settlement somewhere in the middle of the map and give it a name.

Community Project
I roll on some tables to define the first Community Project. I get Shelter & Hospitality for project type, and 16-20 squares for its complexity.
I envision this project as a welcoming portal, something to show visitors and travelers that they are in a safe haven and that we are happy to have them here.

With some more rolls, I learn this project requires two Special Ingredients. For each of them, I roll on Descriptor and Material, on Why is it hard to obtain, and How far is it. I get:
- Shadow+Seed
- It's hidden or secluded
- 2 hexes away
Shadowseed: some gigantic trees have roots so deep that they hang inside caves like stalactite. Inside those caves, the roots have a life of their own and they spread shadowseed, a seed so black it blends itself in the darkness of the caves. It provides a strong bond for cement and a nice smell of vanilla that would grant our portal both strength and scent.
- Moon+Bones
- It's up high
- 3 hexes away
Moonbones: in a lake on top of a mountain lives a giant luminescent manta ray. When they die, their circular skeleton floats for several days. The glow they emit looks like the reflection of the moon on the water, hence, moonbones. They're very lightweight, resistant and would work perfectly for the portal framework, providing a dim light to guide night travellers.
Let's place those ingredients on the map:

Making preparations
First thing I have to do is to seek guidance to anticipate what I may face along the way. I roll to determine how I do it and get Communing with a wise bird.
I enter the forest near home in search of The Wise Bird. Walking among the trees, I can hear my footsteps crushing leaves and sticks. After a while, I come across the large Oak Tree. On top of it, I discern the silhouette of a large bird. I kneel and whistle an ancient song.
The bird glides down from the tree top and lands in front of me, spreading its wings. It looks as a cross between a large hawk and a peacock. It embraces me with its wings, I close my eyes and ask for guidance for the journey to come.
It's time to make the Seek Guidance move. My DISCERN is 2, which means I have to roll 2d6 and keep the highest.
[4, 6] You predict a highly beneficial journey. Take +2 OPPORTUNITY.
Excellent! My journey is off to a great start.
With my eyes closed, I see myself mesmerized with the wonders I encounter during my quest. There will be perils, for sure, but the experiences I will have will change me forever. The bird steps back gently, keeping its eyes on me for a long second before taking off to the top of the tree once again. I smile with gratitude and head back to Aynor.
Let's update my Opportunity Track:

And trace the route we want to take on the map:

I am ready to go!

A small group of people gather at the edge of the village. I can see some of them already marking the ground where the new portal will be. They count on me to bring back those special ingredients. I have my backpack ready with me. I share some hugs with my close friends, high-five some of the kids and wave at the others as I take my first steps southeast.
I don't know when I'll be back again. But I want to make them proud.
So now I enter a new hex. Let's roll and see how it's like and what I find here.
For the Hex Generator, I get way less + ascending and a little less + hot. Considering I'm leaving my settlement, which is flat and warm, I imagine this next hex is actually going down some craters in the ground, as the temperature lowers slightly.
For Hex Occupancy, I get a settlement! Oh, that's exciting! I wasn't expecting to find a settlement that close from home. Let's use Appendix II to further define this place:
- General aspect: occupied ruins
- Current project: library
- Notable residents: a blacksmith
Let's learn a little more about this blacksmith using Appendix I:
- Traits: confused
- Passion: rocks
- Dream: memory
After a day or so of traveling, I sense the environment changing. The roads are rocky and I feel like I am descending through a huge crater. The air is getting slightly colder as the sun light fights to find its way through the stone walls around me. Here and there I notice that some of the rocks are sculpted, showing that the ancient civilization once occupied these places. It is not longbefore I notice lights inside some of those structures. There are people living here! Let's pay them a visit.

I am welcomed by the locals. They tell me the place is called Bronzewatch and that they're currently working on a library, trying to collect all the poetry and literature produced in the recent years. I tell them about my expedition, and they ask me if I plan to write about them. I am not much of a writer myself, but I agree to share my memories with them once I return from my quest.
They introduce me to Komi, their local blacksmith. She tells me how excited she is with the library project. She wants to contribute with all her knowledge but she's afraid she's running out of time. She is certainly past her prime and is feeling increasingly confused when try to recollect her techniques. She now spends most of her time collecting rocks outside, a passion she takes much pride on. But her blacksmithing is being neglected. Maybe with a comprehensive book in the library someone wants to take up the torch.
Let's now spend 1 Provision for this leg of the journey. I still have 3 left.

Overcoming obstacles
Let's see what kind of challenge I must face in this hex and if I can weave it with the settlement and the people I met.
- Hex Peril: Mystery (enigma, puzzle, phenomenon, creature, relic, ruins)
Well, I think I can merge this result with what we just learned about Komi. I want to help her understand why she's losing her memory!
I tell her "Well, I don't think you need to wait for the library to do something about it. I might help you understand what's going on with you! Tell me, is there anything particularly odd that happened here recently? Maybe a phenomenon, an artifact, a creature, anything like that?"
She looks at me with hope in her eyes and says "Why, yes. Some time ago I found a gemstone among the ruins that looked like nothing I had seen before. Let me show you."
Komi takes me too her workshop. A huge iron shelf is bolted to the stone wall and it displays an impressive collection of rocks. She points to an oddly shaped white stone in one of the corners. "That's it. That's the one". I step closer to examine it...
Let's stop here and make the Face Peril move. I have to roll EXPLORE, which means a single d6.
[1] The peril takes a toll on you. Risk Supply and Take +1 DECAY.
Oof. That did not went well at all.
...and I feel immediately overwhelmed by its energy. A sense of loss and confusion dominates me. "How long have you had this, you said?". "A while", she answers vaguely. "I strongly advise you to get rid of it. I am not sure it will revert what it has caused to you, but I hope that it will at least stop deteriorating your health". She nods.
"I meant to do it before. But I don't know, something stopped me. Can't you do it? Take it with you and just drop it in a cliff somewhere". I sigh. "Yeah, I guess... do you have a steel box I can place it inside?". She goes through some stuff on top of her counter. "There you go", she hands me a well-crafted box. "Keep it after you use it. As my thanks." I nod with a smile. "Get well, Komi. I'll see you around".
So my result asks me to make the Risk Supply move, which is the same as the Suffer Decay move, but already knowing that my backpack is the target. Let's roll on my backpack grid and see if I jeopardized my provisions.

Also as part of the result, I have to Take +1 Decay. So let's update my tracks:

I leave her workshop with a heavy heart. I honestly thought I could help her more. At least I'm taking this stone away. I hope it's not too late. I check my backpack to see if that energy affected my provisions. Luckily, they are intact. For now. I can feel the exposition to that stone left something within me. Something that might be detrimental in the future.
Before I leave this hex, I can take some time to Gather Supplies to find either provisions or basic materials. Let's go for provisions, then. I have to roll EXPLORE.
[3] You find resources, but at a cost. Add 1 Provision square. Take +1 DECAY.
I go back to the city center and spend some time at the local shops, gathering some supplies. However, I feel that any minute I spend with this strange rock is affecting me somehow. I have to move on.
Let's update my backpack and my tracks. I don't need to draw the white stone in my backpack, since it's only a narrative device. I'm back with 4 Provisions and now I have 2 Decay.

Finding opportunities
Now I can spend 1 Opportunity to either have a moment of enlightenment (and get +1d6 to a single move roll) or to find a scrap of a random Special Ingredient. I am going to choose the latter, because I need some stuff for my personal project as well. Let's roll on the tables and see what I get:
- Storm+gem. Size: 2 squares. A two-square scrap of Stormgem.
I say goodbye to the nice folks of Bronzewatch and prepare to hit the road. As I am about to leave, I see Komi running towards me with a small package in her hands.
"I felt bad asking you to take that thing with you. Here, have a piece of Stormgem." She hands me a dark-blue gemstone, with a cracked pattern inside that looks like a lightning bolt. "It is said that it grants enhanced vision if managed correctly. I never tried it myself, but you're a scrapper, you probably know what to do with it".
I smile, thinking of the goggles I'm working on back home. "Thank you, Komi. I love it. You're so kind". We hug briefly, and then I leave.
Sweet! Now I draw this scrap on my backpack:

Let's continue on with my journey!
Traveling (again!)
Since I haven't reached a hex with one of the Special Ingredients I was originally looking for, I keep going. Let's see what I encounter here.
- Hex: Equally + descending and a little more + wet
- Occupancy: No one
- -1 provision (3 remaining)
- Peril: Emotions: homesickness, fear of the unknown, sense of smallness
The path continues downwards and, although the temperature does not drop, I can feel the humidity in the air increase. Maybe a sign of an underground lake? After I left Bronzewatch, I still encountered some people on the road, but now it seems I am all alone down here. It's getting dark and the sounds of waterdrops echoing in the distance send chills down my spine. I must face loneliness and fear to move on.
Making the Face Peril move.
[2] You are distressed by this challenge. Risk Supply
Apparently the darkness is indeed getting to me. Let's Risk Supply

One of my provisions was affected. Let's roll to determine what happens.
[4] Erase that square.
Ok, it could've been worse. I now have 2 provisions remaining.
The shadows engulf and suffocate me. It's like I can't breathe. I know there's nothing really trying to hurt me but my own emotions, however I feel overwhelmed. Then I rememeber I'm still carrying that weird rock that Komi asked me to get rid of. I toss it in a dark pit and wipe my hands.
I decide to wait for the sunrise taking shelter in an indentation on the stone walls. I end up spending more food and torches here than I had planned, but that's OK. Tomorrow is another day.
Let's wait for the morning and then Gather Supplies.
[1] Your search is unfruitful and tiresome.Take +1 DECAY.
Damn, this hex is certainly mistreating me. Let's Find an Opportunity but this time I will spend 1 Opportunity in exchange for +1d6 to a single move roll. I'll note that down just so I remember it later on.

The morning comes and I feel a little better. I'm still not comfortable but the little sun light that finds its way down here helps me see the path ahead.
I'm a little worried with my provisions so I try to search for some fruits or vegetables here. Nothing. It's just rocks after rocks. I climbed for long hours and couldn't find anything useful. After I give up on my search, I stop and look around.
Despite all misfortune that followed me here, the view is breathtaking. I take some time to contemplate this beauty and appreciate this place for what it is, understanding its shapes and formations, and getting ready for what is yet to come.

Now we're ready to move on to the next phase!

Since this is the hex where my first Special Ingredient is and I have already faced its perils, I finally come across the place where I can find it!
Let me remind us what it is:
Shadowseed: some gigantic trees have roots so deep that they hang inside caves like stalactite. Inside those caves, the roots have a life of their own and they spread shadowseed, a seed so black it blends itself in the darkness of the caves. It provides a strong bond for cement and a nice smell of vanilla that would grant our portal both strength and scent.
Reaching a destination
Now that we found the place, it is time to Study and Approach the ingredient source to absorb its wisdom and appeal dor Ayera's approval. Let's roll DISCERN.
[4,2] Ayera understands your need. Take +1 OPPORTUNITY.
Finally! A good enough roll.
It's the middle of the day when I finally see it. Hanging from the ceiling, gigantic roots black as the night. From where I stand, I can't even see the tree that it comes from. I take a few more steps towards the roots but there's no sign of seeds. For a moment, I sense the fear trying to dominate me once again.
I then close my eyes and remember the feeling I had when I was envisioning this journey inside the wings of the wise bird back home. That warm feeling of discovery and excitement drives the fear away and I feel a smile taking shape on my face. When I open my eyes, I realize that was what I needed! My eyes adjusted to the lack of light and among the tiny hair growing out of the roots, there it is. Shadowseed.
I put my hand forward and some of them simply fall onto it. I smile. That's the sign I needed from Ayera. I have its permission.
Obtaining ingredients
Time to show my ability in handling the ingredient. I want to take as much as I need, always respecting this world's harmony. Let's make the Harvest Scraps move, and I'll use that extra d6 I got from the Opportunity I spent, which means I can roll EXTRACT with 3d6 instead of 2.
[2,1,6] One of your finest jobs. You extract 4 Scraps.
Sweet! Let's roll for their size and shape:

And then place them all in my backpack:

Since I ended up with scraps of the same material touching each other, I just increase their outline to differentiate one from the other.
I carefully touch the roots and let my fingers slide through its hairs. I can barely distinguish the shapes of the seeds, but I can smell the nice vanilla scent and I feel them in my hands. With a gentle pull, they let go of the root.
They are not the same shape and size. Some of them group together in a sort of cluster, and I'm lucky enough to grab one intact. I thank Ayera for the kindness and place them all inside my backpack. My job here is done!
Journey back or journey forward?
Now I have to make a decision. Do I keep going and travel to the next hex in search of the other ingredient I'm looking for? Or do I return home, recover and work on some projects beforing venturing once again into the unknown?
Well, I only have two Provisions left. I could gather supplies in the next hex, but I would have to spend one to get there anyway. And if I botch that move, I might end up with more Decay to handle... and I need Provisions to get back home. My backpack is quite full too, so... yeah, I'm going home. I can "fast travel" there and back here if I need to, so that helps.

Going home
Since I'm going through previously explored hexes, I can make the Get under way move "fast travel" back home.
It's two hexes away, so by the move I spend my last 2 Provisions and roll 2d6. For this move, a 1 cancels a 6, and then I keep the highest die left.
[6,3] The journey was effortless and edifying. Take +1 OPPORTUNITY.
Sweet! That went much better than I anticipated.
I consider going forward for a moment. I mean, I'm not that far from the next Special Ingredient. But then I look through my backpack and... well, that's not a lot of provisions left. And I'm already carrying some weight... I think it's enough adventure for now. Time to go home!
Now that I went through these lands once, the darkness and solitude don't seem as scary as before. Being excited with my findings certainly help as well. I stop briefly at Bronzewatch once again to see how Komi is doing. She tells me she's better and has been working on her blacksmithing manuals as a way to exercise her memory. I ask to look at her notes and I learn a new thing or two that might be useful for my crafting as well!
I say goodbye to my new friends once again and head home. After another half a day of traveling, I can see Aynor in the distance. I missed my little village!
Delving into the workshop
Ok, I have some stuff to take care of now that I'm back home.
Before I have the chance to work on my projects, I need to check how my supplies and ingredients endured the last few days, both the ones I took with me and the ones at my workshop and ongoing projects. In other words, I must make the Suffer Decay move.
I accumulated 3 Decay during this journey, so let's determine 3 decay targets.
[5] Your community project
[1] Your backpack
[6] Your workshop
My community project hasn't been started yet, so I can ignore that one. But I have stuff both in my backpack and in my workshop, so I need to roll on the grid and check if the decay affects a filled square.
Let's start with the backpack:

And now for the decay effect:
[1] Taint that square.
Since it's a Special Ingredient, I have to paint that square black. I can still use it, but can't move or remove that particular square when I craft it in a project.

Let's roll on the workshop grid now.

And now for the decay effect:
[6] Half that square.
Ok, not too bad. It just means it's worth half the points when I finish a project.

Now I can move all the stuff from my backpack into my workshop.

As soon as I arrive in Aynor, I see familiar faces greeting me in the entrance. They're excited to see what I brought back, but they respect the fact that I'm quite tired from my quest.
I go straight to my workshop. It is a place filled with gadgets, all of them organized by size and function. It's quite a bright space, I chose white stone to coat my walls, and there are quite a few lamps on different places.
I can't wait to work on my projects, but first let's see how my ingredients are... Well, it looks like my Stormgem didn't survive the trip very well. Perhaps it was already somehow compromised because of the exposure to that other white stone? That's my guess.
For the materials I left in my workshop, I notice a piece of rock started deteriorating. Nothing critical, honestly. I can still use it without compromising the final outcome.
I spend some time placing everything I brought with me in my shelves, and them I quietly and proudly contemplate them for a moment. With a sigh of relief, I go find something to eat. After lunch and a good bath, there's work to be done!
Working on projects
The time has finally come! I get to put my skills and my ingredients to good use. I'm going to start with my personal project, the mineral finding goggles.
I'm going to use my Stormgem and then some rock and wood scraps, let's see how it looks.

Hey! I was able to fit the scraps I had without the need for removing or moving squares around. So I have completed my first project! Of course, I could have waited another quest to try and find some more random special ingredients for it, but I mean, it's nice to have a finished project to start! And I can bring it along with me on my next adventure (it provides +1d6 to relevant tasks)!
Now let's work a little bit on the city portal. I don't have a lot of basic materials left after that, I'll see what I can do with the Shadowseed instead.

Very soon I notice that long scrap I found won't fit my blueprint perfectly. (This is a good time to remind that the blueprint does not comprise scale, so saying a scrap "doesn't fit" in the blueprint doesn't mean the actual scrap is too big for the project. It''s an abstraction of a need to "adjust" or "work" the scrap to be a good fit for the project).
There are two squares that I need to move. That means a CRAFT roll for each one, since they are not adjacent. Let's see how it goes. The top one first, them the bottom one.
[2,3,2] All is not lost. You lose that square or group of adjacent squares.
[6,6,3] Truly an inspired performance. You waste no squares and can use them elsewhere. Take +1 OPPORTUNITY.
Ok, so I lose that top square, but I save the second one, that I immediately place on the left "foot" of my portal. Not too shabby. I go ahead and place some more of my ingredients into the blueprint.

The portal is nearly completed as well! Even if I had enough basic materials, I couldn't use it to finish the project right now, since I know it needs two special ingredients (and I haven't got my hands on the Moonbones quite yet). But I made good progress regardless.
I crack my knuckles and get to work. I'm so excited about being in my workshop that I devote the first hours to my personal project. I'll have to be outside to work on thee portal and I just feel like I need some me time.
After a sip on my herbal tea, I start mixing and placing the materials into position, making adjustments here and there. It's a shame the Stormgem is tainted, but I'm using it anyway. Its properties are worth it, and without it I don't think I'd be able to create those goggles.
The sun is getting close to the horizon when I finally lift my head and step back. It is done! My goggles are working! I contemplate it for a while and set it aside. I can't wait to put it to the test on my next journeys.
Now it's time to help the folks out there working on the portal. I grab my remaining ingredients and meet them at the village border. I show them the Shadowseeds and they notice that the large one might be too hard to mix into the cement they are producing. So I have to try and separate it into small parts without compromising the whole thing.
My first try does not go very well. I end up ruining a little bit of the seeds. I take a deep breath and analyze it a little further. Finally, I see how the veins connect each seed to each other, and I'm able to carefully remove one part without losing it. I handle them to my fellow workers while I help the others placing the rock and wood structure.
We leave a border all around the portal to receive the Moonbones when I finally find them. The portal is nearly completed and we can smell the nice scent of vanilla already!
Finishing a project
Ok, since I have finished my goggles, I can see how many points I scored and use them to enjoy my community. Let's check
- Special Ingredients: 4 Project points per square = 4 points total
- Basic Materials: 2 Project points per square = 37 points total (I had one halved square)
- Tainted Squares: 6 Taint points per square = 6 points total
Here are my totals:

You must always have a Community and a Personal Project ongoing, so I have to come up with my next project before I leave. Maybe some lantern to help me in the darkness?
"Advancing" in Scraps have nothing to do with getting more skilled, stronger, or faster. You advance as a member of the community. You feel more connected to the ones you care about. You are better as a person.
So I just have to choose some advance activities and spend 10-20 Project Points on it. And I also have to spend my Taint Points in it, colouring the activity with bittersweet shades on the themes of fragility, impermanence or imperfection.
I choose the You welcome a pilgrim family into your community activity and spend 15 project points on it, plus all my 6 taint points.
I am still contemplating the work we put in the portal with my friends, enjoying the first hours of the evening with some snacks and a warm drink when I see a small group of people approaching our village.
"We saw this portal from the distance", they say. "We decided to stop by". They are three people, a couple and a young child. They seem weary, but kind. I smiled at them and ask "How do you like our portal? It's not quite done yet". "Oh, it's gorgeous. A true piece of art". I smile.
"What brings you here?", I ask, while reaching to help them with their bags. "Well, you see. We recently lost our older child... She got sick and... we couldn't save her. Despite how much we loved our village, the memories... you know, were just too intense... too hard to stay there. So we decided to leave, and start fresh somewhere else."
I get a lump in my throat. "Why, yes, of course, you are more than welcome here. I'm sure you will find what you need to heal. Here, let me show you to our shelter. Tomorrow we'll help you find a permanent home here." As I say these last words, I realize how "permanent home" may have sounded to them. But I get a glimpse of acknowledgment from them, they know I didn't mean to hurt their feelings.
After I leave them at the shelter, I walk home slowly, going in my head through all that I lived these past days. It was intense and rewarding. I can barely wait to go again!
Get Scraps
A crafting game in a hopeful world among the ruins of an ancient civilization
Status | Released |
Category | Physical game |
Author | Cezar Capacle |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Co-op, Crafting, journaling, Singleplayer, solo, Solo RPG, Tabletop role-playing game |
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