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hi there fabulous creator. Just curious if there’s any more community copies available? I really appreciate game creators like you who do generously offer these community copies to people going through a hard time. It really helps out.

Thank you in advance


Hi, I bought this game in physical and digital format. I love it. But I am trying to add it to my ereader (Kobo Clara Colour) and it won't let me read it. It says "Your eReader is not authorized to open this book. This book is protected by Adobe Digital Rights Management."

This seems like an anti-theft thing, but I can prove I paid for this book.

Please advise. Thank you. 


Hi, there!

Thanks for getting in touch.

That is odd. I don't even use Adobe products. 

I'll have to look into it and get back to you.


So I dug a little bit, and it seems it is a known Kobo issue.

I've read reports here and here, with possible solutions being presented for Windows and Mac users. 

I'll keep digging, but apparently there's not much I can do on my end.


Thank you for checking into it. Ill keep poking at it and see what I can do. 

It is a really great game.

Thank you so much! 


Are more community copies going up soon? Or do they just get grabbed as soon as they go up?


The latter! I've been replenishing them daily ^^ 


I just grabbed one. Thank you so much!


i’ll keep a lookout, thank you.


I'll be on the lookout, thank you for keeping this option available!

wow, i've been looking for community copies for a month now and i'm just not lucky enough to get one hahaha. Thanks for keeping this option available


Great game!

An interesting premise and theme, the rules are laconic and easy to learn. I would also like to highlight the design of the game: terribly beautiful art and fonts!

Appreciate your kind words, thank you!


What a wonderful game. These solo rules work extremely well. Will there be a Wraithound jam?

Thank you so much! I hadn't considered it, but I'm excited to learn there is interest in hacking the game ^^


This looks cool! I'm sure it'll be a hit at The Dungeon Dive. :)

Thank you so much, appreciate your support! ^^


There is a gigantic typo in the download instructions for the VTT:

It says to navigate to = 

that extra "/" will result in an error.

The correct URL is =


Fixing it right now, thank you!

(My eyes are showing their age)