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just wondering if any community copies are available soon


There will be more as soon as I'm done with the current project and have some time to go over sales!


no worries, thank you

(1 edit) (+1)

I have a question:
what happens in a Flair Check where more than one die is used (the Flair die, boon and loot dice) if the target number is matched on all three rolls, are the results cumulative, or do you just get the desired effect? I think it can make sense on damage, for example. But 

Hi there!

Yes, the results are cumulative! When you roll more than one die, you consider all results individually.  So that means every die rolled has its effect applied; the ones that reached the TN will have their intended effect, and the ones below TN will cause their consequences.


Thank you Cezar. Awesome game! 

(1 edit)

Any time, thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Sorry Cezar,

but then, in the example of the Flair check on page 20, shouldn't the final effect of the armor protection be 5?

I explain: TN of 4. Adding the result of 6 taking the risk after the Glitch plus the result of 8 on the d8, in addition to the Boost should also be added the Score, isn't it? For a total of 5 armor.

You're absolutely correct! It should be 5 indeed. Good catch! Goes to the next revision, thank you! (And sorry for the confusion)


I have a question. The character sheets have spaces for up to three "Additional Powers". 
The only advancement rules I can find is the one sentence "Everything you salvaged during your mission can now be traded for repairs and upgrades or even new weapons, gadgets and abilities."
I assume this is not just exchanging Loot Tokens but also based on the value of the captured derelict or successful mission objectives in the story. 
Does anyone have any guidelines for what kind of rate of advancement is suitable? I assume you don't just hand over a d8 Loot Token after the mission for a new special ability.

Hey, there! Thanks for your quesiton!

Advancement is taken care by the FIX CHECK, on page 29. It goes like this: 

You may spend any amount of LOOT dice you have to enhance your Powers or get new ones. If you do so, erase those LOOT dice, roll them together, and add up all results you rolled. These are your Fix Points (FP).  Spend them as follows, in any combination you want.

  • 2 FP: Cool down 1 Heat on any of your Powers (including OVERHEATED ones) 
  • 4 FP: Add 1 Boost to any of your Powers 
  • 8 FP: Create a new Power

any chance of a couple of community copies being added? Id happily write a review for the game. All good if youre not though

I've missed this comment somehow, but there are some more community copies up, I hope you're able to grab one!


Would love to talk to you about a review copy, as I would love to make this the space addition to my next episode.

Yup! Shoot me an email (it's on my website) and we can work something out


How printable is the pdf? Shipping from lulu is pricey where I live so even with the PoD coupon I'd like to print it off myself, but it looks to have a lot of black that would use tons of ink.


The darker pages are the chapter titles only. All text is on white background. I’ve seen some people printing a negative version of the title pages, but they aren’t really necessary, if you don’t mind them. In short, I believe it’s mostly printer friendly :)


I lie! The table pages have darker border too. But the reference guide that also contains all the tables is on full white background 


I watched a playthrough and I think I can get by with only printing the reference guide. Thanks for the prompt info!


Super cool, and easy to learn RPG.

I played it on the "Giant Book of Sci-Fi Battle Mats," used two 28mm Space Marine miniatures, along with a few 32mm Sci-Fi miniature monsters, and I stayed entertained for quite a few hours. Totally fun...especially on solo-mode. Good job!

Oh, that’s superb! I’m dying to play it with minis myself. Thanks for the feedback! ^^


I recently did a solo playtrhough (along with a rules overview) of this on my channel and had a ton of fun! This game has a lot of cool/unique concepts and I like how creative it lets you be with the character concepts, powers, dangers, ect. I'll definitely be playing more in the future. Hopefully I didn't get any rules too wrong:


This is fantastic, Thomas! Thank you so much for sharing, can’t wait to watch it ^^


This is an excellent GM-less game; it feels very freeing, and the meta-roles (and the way that hazards *react* to player attacks to both deal and take damage) mean that the players don't flounder waiting for someone to take initiative to move the action along.

However, I wish it had just like, a spoonful less crunch - I don't like the Target Number table for the Flair checks/powers, it seems like a very numerical spreadsheet part of the game where other things feel much simpler (roll some dice, see what lands 5+.) It also seems like Boons and Loot could be combined to simplify things, but talking this over with some friends, I understand why they're separate - but it feels like some stuff could be stripped down to make this just a little leaner and simpler to play.


Thank you for checking out the game and for the feedback! Always appreciated 


For what it worths, I really appreciated the power effects table. Sure, it seems "crunchy" at first, but in the end it's a really good way to create on the fly lot of cool mechanical effects in game. Aaaand, it's super easy to remember, because it's very uniform way (it's just counting "1, 2, 3..." for every aspect you want to gain).
Probably there was no other way to obtain all those effects in an easier way.


Thank you, Andrea! Yes, I tried to aim to that consistency so that after a few times, you could do it easily. I’m glad you enjoyed it!


Now also findable on GoodReads!!

Thank you so much, that's very cool!